Getting a healthy start to the New Year

a table of fresh vegetables- what's needed for a healthier lifestyle

As we near the end of our second pandemic year, you may have noticed a few extra inches around the waistline. Working from home has had its perks – like cutting commute times – as well as its problems. Temptation, for example, is always a threat with your “office” so close to the pantry.

So, what are we going to do about it – and are New Year’s resolutions still a thing?

I haven’t been hearing as many “New year, new you” slogans as I usually do in late December, but the apparent decline in such marketing hyperbole doesn’t make it any less relevant. You may not be getting ‘beach ready’ for the usual tropical vacation this winter, but making positive changes in diet and exercise are about far more than vanity.

Last year I pledged to rethink my relationship to food, and for the most part I succeeded. Sure, there were a few fumbles over the holiday season, but I mostly stuck to the decision to make healthier choices at the grocery store. And I’ve been reaping the benefits in terms of fitness and energy levels.

As a family, we’ve cut back on processed foods. Not entirely, as our kids would rebel, but items coming from boxes, jars, cans, and foil pouches no longer dominate the shopping cart. We now purchase more whole foods – fruits, veggies, fresh meats, and seafood, etc. – and as much as possible, prepare our dinners from scratch.

That may mean more frequent shopping trips, as you can’t stockpile a month’s worth of produce and other fresh items. If that’s inconvenient, or makes you nervous, why not try online shopping?

Roughly a year ago, Vince’s switched over to Instacart, one of North America’s leading online shopping platforms. It’s quick, convenient, and easy to use – just click here to get your order started. With Instacart, you can maintain a steady flow of fresh fruits, veggies, breads, meats, etc. every few days. Ditto for some of our own freshly-prepared items like pizza, lasagna, roast chicken, homemade-style soups, and more.

All of which makes flipping the switch to a healthier lifestyle that much easier.

Cooking with basic ingredients may take more time and effort than opening a can or popping a frozen tray in the oven, but homemade tastes better. (Even when I do the cooking!) And making mealtime a team effort can be a bonding experience for the family.

Not to mention an opportunity to pry the kids off their devices, if just for a few minutes.

Have a happy and healthy New Year!

— Neil

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