Maple Butternut Squash

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  • 1 butternut squash
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 2-4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp thyme
  • 1 tbsp rosemary


  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Cut butternut squash lengthwise and remove seeds with a spoon (you can roast these as well!).
  3. Drizzle maple syrup (as much as you desire), olive oil and sprinkle the spices.
  4. Bake for about 1.5 hours or until the squash is soft enough that your forks pokes through it easily.
  5. Remove from the oven and let cool.
  6. Remove skin or scoop out the squash and serve as you wish! (You could leave it as it is, it looks pretty, and have people scoop out their squash as they live. Or, you can remove the skins and cut the squash into pieces.).

Nutritional Information

Calories: 264
Fat: 19.1g
Sodium: 8 mg
Carbohydrate: 26.6g
Fiber: 3.6g
Sugars: 11g
Protein: 1.5g

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