Savour the Season: Ontario Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Artichokes Await

A salad with Ontario artichokes, tomatoes, and potatoes

Summer in Ontario brings a harvest of vibrant, locally-grown vegetables, and this season’s stars are field tomatoes, new-crop potatoes, and artichokes. Bursting with flavor and packed with nutrients, these fresh picks from Ontario fields are a must-have for your summer table.

Field Tomatoes

There’s nothing like the taste of a freshly-picked field tomato. Ripened under the Ontario sun, they boast a flavour that’s both sweet and slightly tangy. Whether you’re slicing them for a sandwich, dicing them for a salad, or enjoying them fresh with a sprinkle of salt, field tomatoes are a summer staple.

And they are a nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K1, and folate. Tomatoes are also loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.


Don’t let their tough, green “armour,” deter you. Once you get the hang of prepping them, artichokes can be a delicious and versatile addition to your meals. The leaves are meaty and satisfying, with a nutty flavor that pairs beautifully with lemon and butter.

Steaming is a great way to cook them. Just add a bit of water and lemon to a pot, steam for 35-45 minutes, and enjoy. Artichokes are not just tasty, they’re also nutritious: high in fiber, which aids digestion, and providing significant amounts of vitamins C and folate. Artichokes also contain antioxidants like quercetin and rutin, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

New-Crop Potatoes

Harvested early in the season, these have a thin skin and a tender, creamy texture. New crop potatoes are also versatile: you can boil them, roast them, or even grill them. Their flavour is delicate and slightly sweet, making them a perfect summer side. Nutritionally, they are low in fat, but have a decent amount of fibre and protein. And they are high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.

Buying Local

When you purchase locally grown produce, you don’t just get fresher, more flavourful veggies, you support local farmers. And without the need for long-distance trucking, this reduces our carbon footprint, while supporting the local economy.

Summer Meal Ideas:

  • Field Tomatoes: Use them in salads, salsas, or sliced on a burger or in a sandwich, or with bocconcini and balsamic.
  • Artichokes: Steam them and serve with a dipping sauce or add them to a summer pasta.
  • New-Crop Potatoes: Roast them with herbs, boil for a potato salad, or grill for a smoky flavour.

Be sure to stroll through our Produce aisles while fresh Ontario produce is still at its peak. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just know a few basics, these fresh, locally-grown vegetables are sure to elevate your summer dining.

— Neil

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