Popcorn always a favourite for ‘Oscar Night’

Rows of popcorn in red and white bags.

Popcorn may look like most other kinds of corn, but it’s a distinct variety – ideally suited to popping one of our favourite snacks. Fun fact, there are six major types of corn, most of which serve an important role in our food supply – and economy.


Dent corn, also known as “field corn,” gets its name from the dent, or dimple, that forms on the top of each kernel as it starts drying out. We don’t eat dent corn, nonetheless it’s the most commonly grown variety, used for fuel (ie. ethanol), livestock feed, and other bio-based products.


Flint corn is recognized for its wide range of colours and hard outer layer (“hard as flint”). It is grown mostly in Central and South America, often used here for decoration around harvest time.


Sweet corn may have a soft starch that is resistant to popping, but that’s fine if, like me, you enjoy corn on the cob. Sweet corn contains more sugar than other varieties, and unlike those that are picked when the kernels are dry and mature, sweet corn is picked when they are tender – and eaten as a vegetable, rather than a grain.


This commonly planted corn is mostly soft starch, giving it the ability to be easily ground into a fine cornmeal or corn flour. Great for tortillas!


Pod corn may appear unorthodox, but it isn’t a wild ancestor of common corn. It is, however, a mutant that forms leaves around each kernel, and is not grown commercially.


Like flint corn, popcorn has a hard outer hull surrounding a starchy centre that contains 14–20% moisture. This is an important feature, as the moisture turns into steam as the kernel is heated. Well, you can guess what happens next – the pressure builds and the hull ruptures – allowing the kernel to expand to many times its original volume.

As a child, I always enjoyed listening to the kernels pop as my mom gently shuffled the pan of “Jiffy Pop” on the stovetop. As the kernels exploded, the built-in foil pouch would expand until the last of them finally popped – and we could tear it open and enjoy a tasty snack while watching the Wonderful World of Disney.

Of course, not everybody wants to go to the bother of popping their own corn. For them, simply opening a bag of this popped and seasoned snack is just the ticket when your family gathers around the “small screen.”

At Vince’s, we offer a variety of movie-night-worthy snacks, but one of my favourites is our Vince’s Own popcorn – available in a surprising number of varieties. Starting with the savoury flavours, we have cheddar, dill pickle, salt & vinegar, white cheddar, garlic parmesan, and of course, movie style.

And for those who have a bit of a sweet tooth, there are caramel, chocolate-caramel (yum!), and a really nice Chicago mix. I draw attention to the latter, as I’ve had my fair share of this sweet and salty blend from other suppliers. Some of them “cheap out” on the caramel, giving you far more of the cheesy bits. Our Vince’s Own, however, seems to have landed on just the right ratio!

Our popcorn is also featured in the current Vince’s flyer – perfect timing, as the Oscars are on this Sunday. So drop by one of our stores and pick up a bag – and enjoy a bowl full of this snack while rooting for your ‘big-screen’ favourites.

Until next time…

— Neil

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