Preparing a Balanced Lunchbox

44507625_sOften nutrition is compromised by time constraints and convenience, but it’s important to create a healthy balanced lunch box especially where kids are concerned. It can be rather hectic for some as they readjust to a new schedule while trying to keep the flow of life in order.

An optimal lunchbox should have a combination of protein, fats, and carbs to ensure stable blood sugar levels. A new school year is upon us and you may be cruising the grocery aisles with a different mindset as you consider meal and snack options for the lunchbox.

Most stereotypical “kid friendly” snacks are high in carbohydrates and processed sugars. In kids, an unbalanced choice, such as this, can be followed by episodes of hyperactivity and a “crash” in energy and mood – not an ideal state for them to be in while at school. Moodiness, discipline problems, and a lack of focus are good indicators that nutritional intake should be reviewed and maximized.

When you balance high carbohydrate convenience snacks with a protein and/or fat you eliminate the crash and burn dilemma leaving you and your family fueled from morning till night. Here are some balanced meal ideas that will provide consistent, stable energy levels all day long.

49601079 - elementary school pupil with healthy lunch boxBalanced Meal Ideas for Kids:

  • Mini ham and egg quiches baked in muffin tins at 350 F
  • Graham crackers with a heaping tbsp of cream cheese and a tsp of jam
  • Rice cakes with melted cheese, sliced tomatoes and pepperoni
  • Smoothies with protein powder
  • Fruit and cheese skewers. Try alternating grapes and strawberries with cubes of cheese
  • Cottage cheese and yogurt parfaits. Try layering with granola and mixed berries and topping with cinnamon
  • Bean, chicken, tuna and egg salads with crackers. A great make ahead snack idea!
  • Tortillas and guacamole

To help make choosing lunchbox items even easier, we are excited to launch our Power Up Shelf Talkers in all three Vince’s Market Locations.  Keep an eye out for these handy tips throughout the stores which will identify lots of healthy lunchbox options.

For all your Power Up news make sure you check out Vince’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Make sure you follow @VincesMarket and #powerupwithvinces, sign up for our Power Up Newsletter and keep an eye out for nutrition tips and tricks from me, our in-house nutrition expert!

In good health,

In-House Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.),
Natural Chef., R.M.T.

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